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1-888-123-45 1263 Sheila Lane, Reno, NV 89501 psycheco@example.com

Our Services

Special Education Guru empowers parents with the right information to be successful education advocates for their children. In school meetings you will understand the rights of your child, services that can be made available, programming options, questions to ask and data to request when attending a meeting.

This knowledge will provide you with a non-legal avenue to work with your school to get the support and services your child needs.

You will understand the language and jargon used in school meetings so you can be an informed participant in the decision making process for your student.

 Educational Services for Parents

Keep in mind that this list is a summary of what we can offer you. If you have any questions regarding a service offering that we do not have listed, please let us know!

  • Advice on how to be an active participant in your child’s school meetings, parent teacher conferences, IEP meetings, and more.
  • Guidance related to what social and academic services are available to you for your child through the schools.
  • Educational assessments of your child's social, emotional, academic and psychological functioning.
  • Customized letters to request specific school services such as a 504 Plan or Educational Assessment.
  • Review and provide input on existing IEP (Individualized Education Plan) and Section 504 Plans.
  • Obtain the necessary items to support your child’s case at an IEP or 504 school meeting.
  • Provide samples of written emails/letter requests for educational assessments, IEPs, and Section 504 evaluation to schools.

Child Wellness Presentations

Do you have a parent group, networking organization, church, or synagogue interested in learning about how to obtain the most appropriate school resources for their children?  When Special Education Guru presents to your organization, you will walk away armed with different types of information:

  • Tips on how to start the process for obtaining special services for your student
  • How and when to request a formal IEP or psychological-educational evaluation
  • Examples of types of positive communication with your child's school
  • Explanations of educational jargon and specific buzzwords to utilize
  • Preparing for a school meeting involving your child
  • A brief tour of the forms used across IEP, 504 and general education support meetings
  • Extensive time for Question and Answer with opportunities for individualized follow-up

To contact Special Education Guru today and schedule your initial meeting, simply call 1-847-778-9415, or email Dr. Laurie Hoke directly at laurie@specialeducationguru.comKeep in mind that your organization’s presentation can be more directly focused on a specific area such as IEP’s, depending on your needs. In the majority of cases, we will present to your organization for free with no obligation.