The first step in obtaining an IEP (Individualized Education Plan), MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports) Services, or a 504 Plan for your child is to write a letter requesting a formal evaluation for special education. This letter should be sent to the principal of your school, and the Director of Special Education for your school district.

In the beginning of the letter, you must stipulate that this is a formal request for a Case Study Evaluation due to your child’s performance in school.

Then, you should include the following information:

  • List all of the times that you have reached out to your child’s teacher based on your areas of concern and the related outcome.
  • Data, data, data…
    • If your child is struggling academically, you should utilize data from standardized test scores such as the MAP test. This data may demonstrate that your child is performing below expectations and/or when your child started to fall short in a specific area.
    • Leverage information that was presented to you at parent / teacher conferences and other meetings you may have already had to address your concerns
    • If applicable, you can also use your child’s current grades


Within the letter, you should request a meeting to discuss what supports are already in place for your case study evaluation. As part of the process, an IEP team should meet to determine the “Identification of Needed Assessments” and what additional supports can be implemented. You should ask for your written consent to gain a better understanding of the process for the testing and assessments.

By law, Illinois school districts are required to respond to you within 14-business days of receipt of the request. This may vary in other states. You should indicate that you understand this law to make sure the school district provides a timely response.

Also, prior to sending the letter, it’s important to make sure your child does not have any missing work in the areas of concern

At the end of the letter, sign and date it, in addition to providing your preferred method of contact

Special Education Guru can expedite the process of writing a letter to request a formal evaluation for special education for your child. We have IEP, MTSS, or 504 Plan form letters you can download for a small fee. Or, we can customize a letter based on your specific needs. Please click here to learn more.